Hi, i'm Anh.
People also call me Jessica. I know coding quite a bit and I like to challenge myself in different fields. I love to learn new things and explore new technologies.
In 2 months, Dcasso had 190+ users and 700+ sketches.
These are one of my first React web apps for pure entainment purposes.
Dcasso is a game-social doolding app for single player to draw (based on a prompt in a limited time) and share with everyone else. Dcasso Duel is a Dcasso but for 2 people to play against each other. Yet, the game was widely loved and played.
The front-end was created with ReactJS and back-end was created with NodeJS
I'm currently working on creating Dcasso Mobile with React Native.
A 1v1 Battle
This battle was not between my team and other teams but it was between me and the 150-pound robot.
This was my senior project as well as a competition, NASA Robotics Mining Competition (RMC). 09/2018 - 04/2019 Believe it or not, my project was cancelled twice ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
The first time was when my former 4 teammates decided to withdraw from this project after the first term ended, and the second time was when NASA decided to cancel the competition themselves. But that did not change my mission
I was lucky enough to find another teammate - Luis - with an expertise in Mechanical Engineering. However, working across disciplines and having to learn Robotics and Electrical Engineering on top of programming autonomy was not the easy job... But the amount of knowledge I gained was incomparable.More on NASA RMC
More on Project Presentation Day
Nutrient Teller
Coming from a third-world country makes me cautious with everything I consume. What are all these chemicals that I'm consuming. What does this subtance do to my body. What if there is something that can tell me what these are without me having to Google and read up everything before buying a product...
First stage development of an ingredient scanner
Current features:
Take photo of ingredients on label
Scan text from taken photos using Google Mobile Vision (OCR)
Modify or add scanned ingredients
Tap on ingredient to view ingredient nutrient info (Wiki API)
Future features:
Customize nutrient based on user's profile
Show ingredient's good / bad effects for user's health condition
Switch to a more health-focus API
Siri as a Personal Food Recommender
What if Siri doesn't just listen and "Google" the questions but actually communicate like a friend and understand what we like - have the ability to learn. At the first stage, I wanted Siri to be a learning agent that can give personalized restaurant recommendations ('cuz I love food) based on user's search history.
• Used Restaurants with consumer ratings on different features dataset to replicate user's preference
• Ran 3 supervised ML algorithms on the cleaned data
• Compared and contrasted results to see which algorithm performs better
Data set: Over 10,000 data points (from 2,300 restaurants and 130 user profiles).
• Support Vector Machine
• Random Forest
• Naive Bayes
• F1 Score
• Learning Curve
• RF had the best and NB had the worst performance
(More on my report)
Decentralized Photo-Sharing Social Network
A interesting project that I'm currently working on
React Native
.NET Core
Machine Learning
Are you convinced?
I'm fresh out of college, and currently looking for a full-time opportunity as a Software Engineer. I'm also open to any potential projects. But if you do message, just let me know you have checked out my portfolio ٩(♡ε♡ )۶.
Drop me an email at jessicadao97@gmail.com or fill out the form below